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FENS Talk: Clinical Biochemistry in Praxis - Diagnostics of Type II Diabetes Mellitus
Conference Room (A G.15)

FENS Talk: Clinical Biochemistry in Praxis - Diagnostics of Type II Diabetes Mellitus

The IUS Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences (FENS), in collaboration with the Genetics and Bioengineering (GBE) study program, is pleased to announce an upcoming lecture titled "FENS Talk: Clinical Biochemistry in Praxis - Diagnostics of Type II Diabetes Mellitus."

We are honored to host Dr. Jasminka Prguda-Mujić from Medicover Diagnostics as the guest speaker. Dr. Prguda-Mujić will provide valuable insights into the practical applications of clinical biochemistry, with a specific focus on diagnostic approaches for Type II Diabetes Mellitus.